The Passion of Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney, the football (soccer 😀) great has now retired from professional competition and will focus on coaching. Previous posts have discussed the importance of passion for what you do. Wayne Rooney has been one of those unique athletes who gave his all for his team while on the field. He played multiple positions as the team needed but his greatest accomplishments were up front, banging in goals. No one is perfect and Wayne Rooney had his rough patches like all of us – asking for a trade from Manchester United and also some personal troubles. Take a look at some of his highlights and see the passion in action on the field. I had the pleasure seeing Wayne Rooney play live later in his career and he still commanded a presence. Now Wayne Rooney transitions to coaching and trying to ignite the passion in others. He did learn from the best, Sir Alex Ferguson, but it is not always an easy transition. Best of luck Wayne Rooney and thank you for showing me what passion for sport looks like in action. Find your passion, do your best every day and obstacles become very small. Enjoy the journey.

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