Category Archives: Book Review

From Mindless to Mindful

From Mindless to Mindful by Draj Fozard and Jesse Otta is an easy read reflecting on the lessons learned from two individuals with different backgrounds. A former bank executive that learned from working on Bay Street and a young man that learned from working at a car wash through school. Leaders know that lessons come from everywhere. We just have to be open to observing, learning and demonstrating new learnings – teachability.

Draj and Jesse learned some key lessons and have put them into action:
– Measure loyalty and not satisfaction
– Talk to your customer and act on feedback
– Turn indifferent customers into advocates
– Focus on creating a wow experience
– Sell solutions, recommendations and advice and the products/services will sell themselves
– People drive experience – products can be reproduced, people can’t
– Hire people that like people

Thank you Draj and Jesse for some great stories and lessons that can be applied to business or family life.