Tag Archives: Challenging

The “F” Word

My “F” word isn’t the same as yours. My “F” word is “Frustration”. I tell everyone that frustration is a useless emotion, whether in your personal life or your business life. Frustration occurs when you believe you are blocked from reaching your goal by something that is outside of your control. In my personal life, I have come across many frustrating situations and I have learned to reframe those situations as challenging vs frustrating. We underestimate how much is within our control. I love a good challenge.

In my business life, I spend most of my time observing and listening. Listening for that “F” word. When you hear the “F” word in your leadership journey, don’t avoid the situation hoping that it will correct itself. Rather meet it head on and find a solution.

I have a good friend (shoutout to Trevor) that has made a career of going into companies and listening for that F word. When Trevor hears the F word he develops an app to solve it. Trevor has made a career on solving the F situations.

Whenever you hear yourself or someone else use the F word, don’t run away from it, rather walk straight into it and find a solution.