Tag Archives: Giver

Bring Me Solutions, Not Problems

One of the biggest let downs I hear from leaders at times is when they tell team members – Bring Me Solutions, Not Problems! You are in a leadership role for a reason, to help others reach their full potential and to learn. While you may feel you are empowering others by giving them the directive to bring a solution, more often than not, you may put someone in a position where they don’t have a solution and will continue to languish away not wanting to appear to be a failure.

In Adam Grant’s Ted Talk on Givers and Takers he introduces a valuable concept. We want to be disagreeable givers, not volunteering solutions but rather working with the team to develop solutions. Next time you see someone struggling why not say – Think it over and we can discuss potential solutions – let me know when you are ready.

This is how we truly empower the team and work together to develop the best solution.