Tag Archives: growth mindset

Do you have a Growth Mindset?

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has the famous saying and that is to be “The Hardest Worker in the Room”. Other examples in sports were Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. It takes a certain hunger to overcome adversity and to develop the drive to outwork others. In order to do this you need to have a “Growth Mindset”. The figure below compares the behavioral traits of those with a Growth Mindset and those with a Fixed Mindset. If you are in a leadership role, more than likely you have a Growth Mindset – challening yourself and looking around for inspiration. Inspiration can come from observing others, reading books, taking courses or spensing time with others that have successfully put in the effort to achieve what you are looking for.

Growth vs Fixed Mindset

Show up, even when you don’t feel like it. Make learning a daily priority. Challenge yourself and then others. Do the jobs that others aren’t willing to do. Encourage the team. And most importantly, be consistent!  Can a Growth Mindset be nurtured and developed – the answer is yes. Whether it is your children or team members with a Fixed Mindset, there are steps that can be taken to develop the Growth Mindset.

Dr. Carol Dweck gives us some tips:

  • Recognise the powerful influence that beliefs have on final results.
  • Improvement is always possible.
  • Eliminate chronic self-doubt.
  • Become more “Goal focused”.
  • Life requires evolutionary growth.
  • Evolution is growth by degree.
  • Contained within every defeat are seeds of an equivalent benefit.
  • Mind your language.
  • Thoughts are things.
  • Be guided by your Visions of a better future.