Tag Archives: Jack Welch

Performance Management

I just finished re-reading a leadership classic – Winning by Jack Welch. The concept that really jumped out this time was performance management. Jack explains that any proper performance measurement system should measure people on relevant, agreed upon criteria that relate directly to an individual’s performance. Very importantly, not just if the results were delivered but also how the results were delivered. How well did the team member live the values and behaviours of the organization.

Jack Welch – Winning

Zone 1 above is simple – the team member is living the values and getting the results. Promote this team member.

Zone 3 above is also a simple decision – no results and no values. Help this team member find another organization to thrive in.

Zone 4 – This team member has the values but is struggling for results. Give them another chance.

Zone 2 – This can be the most difficult decision. Great results but poor values. If values don’t approve then this is the same as Zone 3 – help this team member find another organization that will tolerate the values.