Tag Archives: Plans

Windshield or Rear View Mirror

When you are setting out for a drive, how often do you only look at the rear view mirror to get to your destination? Not too often I am guessing. The results may not be favourable. So why do we look backward at events in our life, yes it is good to learn and adapt but let’s look forward.

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When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Change the Plan, Never the Goal

In an earlier post I referred to the importance of finding your North Star. The North Star is your reason to be, why you get up in the morning and provides clarity to your life journey, It took me almost 40 years before I could formalize my life goal. For me, I have three goals:

Get to heaven.
Help as many others get there as possible.
Enjoy the journey.

Those three goals guide my decision making everyday. Each year I take time out to review progress and develop plans aligned with those goals. From year to year the plans may change but the goals don’t.