Tag Archives: Reboot

Hitting The Reset

It’s been three months since my last post. Three months ago I had just finished another trail race after months of preparation (5k to 10k runs at 6 am), had come through a trying season of leadership as we continued to navigate through the pandemic (abseentism, missing customer deadlines) and I was questioning if I was on the right track with life and work. It was time for a reset, resting my body and mind, and reconnecting to those important to me. I spent time reading and listening to books about spirit and soul, re-connecting with friends, having great discussions on new thoughts, continuing my meditation journey, listening to songs, trying different types of exercise and practicing mindfulness every day.

Given my engineering background I have learned that all equipment benefits from a reset from now and again. When it comes to a computer or phone, we do a reset because we are experiencing software errors, or issues like connecting to networks or apps crashing. Resetting typically resolves these errors and restores normal functioning. We are the same. Without a reset we may continue in a job or relationship that does not bring joy, we may continue down a path that is causing harm to our bodies or it may be an opportunity to reaffirm the current path. The steps are easy:

  1. Take time to reflect – Get out some paper and a pen. Write down what or who brings you enjoyment and those that don’t. Practice gratitude and be thankful for those things going well in life.
  2. Change your clothes – While I don’t mean you need to physically change clothes, but shed those things that are no longer bringing enjoyment.
  3. Develop your strategy, plans and tactics – What is your overall strategy and where you are headed or trying to achieve. What plans are required and what are the specific actions to get you there? Develop a mental picture of where you want to go.
  4. Let others know where you are headed – Telling others helps to build accountability to your plan.
  5. Go for it – Get out there and start making small steps focused on your goal. Celebrate the small successes along the way.