Tag Archives: Strategy

The First 90 Days

The ability to vary your leadership style based on the situation at hand is required in order to achieve the best results in the timeframe available. We see this quite often in sports where different coaches will be brought in to turn a team around rather than building the team for the future. To be a true Visionary Leader you will be required to understand the current situation and adapt to the need at hand.

In his book, The First 90 Days, Michael Watkins explains the various situations you may find yourself in along with a roadmap. Take some time to review your current situation – Startup, Sustaining Success, Realignment, Turnaround or Divestiture/Shutdown.

Once you have determined your current situation, you will need to develop your transition strategy. Example below for Turnarounds and Realignments.

Key Goals for Any Business

One day while my son was studying Economics he came home and dropped a question on me. At the time I was a senior executive at a company so I should have been ready. He asked me a simple question – “What are the key goals for any business?”. I couldn’t quickly and clearly summarize my thoughts so he bailed me out. He walked me through the points below.

Key Goals for Any Business

Simple and clear instructions for anyone in a leadership role and I have kept these on my dashboard ever since. I learned two leadership lessons that day – you learn lessons from all directions (in this case from my son) and to ensure all business plans, strategies and plans address these key areas.