Tag Archives: Teams

Culture and Hebb’s Rule

Donald Hebb is the author of Hebb’s Rule used to explain the mechanism of neural and synaptic plasticity – the process within our brains that leads to growth, change and rewiring. How does this relate to culture? Well simply put, Hebb’s Rule is quite often summarized with the simple phrase – “Neurons that fire together wire together”.

Hebb’s Rule – Neurons that fire together wire together.

Culture is defined by Eagles Flight (www.eaglesflight.com) as the sum total of all the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals within the organization. As a leader, your challenge is to define the desired culture, assemble a team that has the desired attitudes, beliefs and behaviours and coach the team in living the culture. If you can achieve that, you will have one of the key ingredients to a high performing team.

Neurons that fire together wire together and as a leader, when you assemble a team that fires together focused on a common goal you will end up with a team that is wired together.