When to Provide Feedback

We all struggle when providing feedback. When is the right time and should I say something that may upset the person? While giving kudos for a great effort is easy and we all feel good when delivering the message, offering constructive criticism is the challenge. As a leader, there comes a time when you observe a specific behaviour or action that requires feedback.

1) When the feedback has a high chance of improving someone’s skills and the person will have the opportunity to use those skills again.

2) When the person knows that you are aware of a certain action or behaviour and is expecting feedback.

3) When an action or behaviour can not be ignored due to the detrimental effect on another team member or the organization.

Providing feedback can also have a negative effect in certain situations.

1) When the person does not have the knowledge or skills to improve.

2) When you have not taken time to think through possible solutions.

3) When you do not have all the information and make assumptions.

4) When the person to whom you are providing feedback is in an emotional state where the message will not be received or retained.

5) When you are not in the proper emotional state to provide the feedback calmly.

When you are ready, there are three questions I suggest you ask yourself before delivering the message. If you can answer yes to the following three questions and have considered the above, provide the feedback and help someone to improve.